UX/UI Designer
Meet Toberth
Schemetastic Renders
Key points:
- Winner of a category in a DEV competition by Netlify
- High accessibility standards
Glasmorphism, what is it, how to make it accesible
Key points:
- Replicates the look of a material
- Aims to create depth against complex backgrounds
Glasmorphism, what is it, how to make it accesible
A style pretty much loved among UX/UI designers due to it's visual appealing and facility to provide contrast
Schemetastic Renders
A web app that makes it easy to get 3d models in different image formats, and you can use in different projects.
A card with a magnetic wrapper
Try this design by yourself
+10 years in vector design, raster design and doing video editing for individual clients and large companies.
+4 years in creating interfaces for mobile apps and websites for different companies as a freelancer with local and foreign companies.
Get my Resumé
EF SET Certificate of English language
Learning is a process that should never end, that's why I'm always learning new things.
But also